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Sasao nga Is-isla Almiralidad

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Is-isla Almiralidad
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Is-isla Almiralidad
Lingguistika a pannakaidasigAustronesio
  Dagiti Almiralidad ken Yapes

Ti sasao nga Is-isla Almiralidad ket ti grupo dagiti agarup a tallopulo a sasao nga Oceaniko. Mabalinda a mangiraman ti Yapes, a napaneknekanen a narigat a maidasig.

Dagiti pagsasao

[urnosen | urnosen ti taudan]

Segun da Lynch, Ross, & Crowley (2002), ti estruktura ti pamilia ket kas dagiti sumaganad:[1]

Kas naibagbaga, ti Yapes ken Nguluwan ket mabalinda pay a parte ti sasao nga Is-isla Almiralidad.

Dagiti nagibasaran

[urnosen | urnosen ti taudan]
  1. ^ Lynch, John; Malcolm Ross; Terry Crowley (2002). The Oceanic languages. Richmond, Surrey: Curzon. ISBN 978-0-7007-1128-4. OCLC 48929366.
  • Blust, Robert (2007). The prenasalised trills of Manus. In Language description, history, and development: Linguistic indulgence in memory of Terry Crowley, ed. by Jeff Siegel, John Lynch, and Diana Eades, pp. 297–311. Creole Language Library vol. 30. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
  • Bowern, Claire (2011). Sivisa Titan: Sketch grammar, texts, vocabulary based on material collected by P. Josef Meier and Po Minis. Oceanic Linguistics Special Publication No. 38. Honolulu: University of Hawai‘i Press.
  • Hamel, Patricia J. (1994). A grammar and lexicon of Loniu, Papua New Guinea. Pacific Linguistics C-103. Canberra: The Australian National University. 275 pp.
  • Hamel, Patricia J. (1993). Serial verbs in Loniu and an evolving preposition. Oceanic Linguistics 32:111–132.
  • Ross, M. D. (1988). Proto Oceanic and the Austronesian languages of Western Melanesia. Pacific Linguistics C-98. Canberra: The Australian National University. 487 pp.